I started my career as an entrepreneur, and thought I was on a break between start-ups when I sat down to put my parent’s turbulent love story on paper. Four books later, I haven’t looked back. The chance to dive into the subconscious day after day has been a true gift. The process of putting the work into the world can be terrifying, but my writing partner (see photo) reminds me every day that pretty much anything can be solved with an enthusiastic wag, a crunchy bowl of food and a nap. OK, a glass of wine helps too, but who am I to argue?
When I’m not writing, I spend time trying to repay some of what GrubStreet has given me by serving as the Chair of the Board (#luckyagain). I also love to travel, enjoy all things food, wine and art related, and am revived by walks with an ocean view and the company of close friends.
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